




Name: Xian-Jiang Song

Gender: Male

Job title: Professor

Email Address:

Education and Work Experience

2022.03~present: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Professor.

2017.09~2022.03: Southeast University, doctoral degree.


Research fields:

His current research interests include the design and synthesis of molecular ferroelectrics and the study of domain structures. Research involves the application of piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) for nanoscale studies of static and dynamic properties of ferroelectric domains, charged domain walls and domain wall conductivity, the evolution of ferroelectric domains or domain walls under external stimuli such as electric field, temperature, and strain.

He has published more than 30 papers, including J. Am. Chem. Soc.Adv. Mater.Nat. Commun.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Chem. Commun.Chinese Chem. Lett.Cryst. Growth Des..

Research projects

Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Awards and Honors

Representative papers and patents

[1] Song Xian-Jiang, Xiong Yu-An, Zhou Ru-Jie, Cao Xiao-Xing, Jing Zheng-Yin, Ji Hao-Ran, Gu Zhu-Xiao, Sha Tai-Ting, Xiong Ren-Gen*, You Yu-Meng*, The First Demonstration of Strain-Controlled Periodic Ferroelectric Domains with Superior Piezoelectric Response in Molecular Materials. Adv. Mater., 2023, 2211584.

[2] Song Xian-Jiang, Chen Xiao-Gang, Liu Jun-Chao, Liu Qin, Zeng Yi-Piao, Tang Yuan-Yuan, Li Peng-Fei, Xiong Ren-Gen*, Liao Wei-Qiang*, Biferroelectricity of a homochiral organic molecule in both solid crystal and liquid crystal phases. Nat. Comm., 2022, 13, 6150.

[3] Xian-Jiang Song, Tie Zhang, Zhu-Xiao Gu, Zhi-Xu Zhang, Da-Wei Fu*, Xiao-Gang Chen, Han-Yue Zhang, Ren-Gen Xiong*, Record Enhancement of Curie Temperature in Host-Guest Inclusion Ferroelectrics. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 5091-5098.

[4] Xian-Jiang Song, Zhi-Xu Zhang, Xiao-Gang Chen, Han-Yue Zhang, Qiang Pan, Jie Yao, Yu-Meng You*, Ren-Gen Xiong*, Bistable State of Protons for Low-Voltage Memories. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 9000−9006.

[5] Song Xian-Jiang, Tang Shu-Yu, Chen Xiao-Gang, Ai Yong, Chemical design of homochiral heterocyclic organic ferroelectric crystals. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 10361-10364.

[6] Liu Yang-Yi, Liu Zhi-Qiang, Wang Yu-Qing, Zhou Ying, Qin Yan, Lv Hui-Peng, Li Peng-Fei*, Chen Xiao-Gang*, Song Xian-Jiang*, Ai Yong*, Light-Driven Domain Switching on a Photochromic Ferroelectric. Cryst. Growth Des., 2023, 23, 2602–2608.

[7] Yipiao Zeng, Junchao Liu, Lin Zhou, Xin Deng, Wenli Yang, Xin Yan, Yanling Luo, Xuan Zhu, Xiaoyun Huang, Xianjiang Song*, Yuanyuan Tang*, An organic-inorganic hybrid thermochromic ferroelastic with multi-channel switches. Chinese Chem. Lett., 2023, 34, 108127.